Good gravy it has been way too long since I’ve posted. So much has happened! And I intend to write about all of it, boys and girls, so strap on your seatbelts and get ready for the ride.
Well, I obviously survived my week from hell at school. Papers were written, exams were taken, presentations were given…thank the Lord it’s all over. Now I’m only taking one class, working at my internship (more on that later) and have a short seminar-type course once a week. On the whole it is considerably less stressful.
After surviving said week from hell, I planned on spending the weekend relaxing before Mom got into town on Monday. Things didn’t go as planned. After a lovely Saturday morning spent writing, I received word that my pastor, Kim Hall, from back home had died. This was the man who had dedicated me to the church as an infant, who had taken the time to shake my hand every Sunday, who gave me advice and support whenever I asked. It broke my heart to know he won’t be there when I return home. It was the hardest I’ve cried in a long time. At this point I try not to think about it too much. I know I’ll have to deal with it when I get home, and that I’ve largely ignored it and my feelings about it, but I can’t bring myself to do anything differently right now.
God had this all in mind in His perfect timing. Two days after I received the news my mom came to London and I had a shoulder to cry on as well as someone to hug. The past six months have made me so incredibly appreciative of my parents. They support and love me with such strength I can hardly believe it sometimes. When I present them with what some might consider outlandish dreams, they begin to dream right along with me. All of those thoughts rushed into my head when I saw my mom standing in front of me in the airport. Finally, someone from home that I could show this wonderful city to!
We spent the first three days in Oxford and it was absolutely lovely. We saw the beautiful buildings and the botanical gardens, went in the shops and ate in pubs. Best of all, though, were the times we laid around doing nothing, watching horrible British television (seriously, it’s bad) and eating fast food.
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Mom next to a huge tree! |
We spent the remainder of her time here in London, seeing as much as possible and drinking as much coffee as we could. She got to see where I work, my favorites spots for food and coffee (of course), Hampstead Heath and all of the typical tourist sites. I think what we both enjoyed the most, though, was that we got to see all of those things together. We got to laugh and talk and not worry about Internet connections or limited minutes on a cell phone. In short, I love my mother.
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Mom and Parliament! |
Alas, Mama could not stay forever and I found myself alone in London once again (not really alone, but you know what I mean). I was sad to see her go and began to miss her immediately after leaving the airport, but it was comforting to know that I’d be seeing her again in just seven weeks (six now). And besides, I didn’t have much time to stay upset…I had a masquerade ball to go to!
Almost everyone from Baylor went to said ball after getting all dolled up in our best dresses and masks. While it was fun, it was nothing to write home about (haha!), although I’m glad I can finally say I’ve been to a masquerade!
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Ice Cream at Harrods ;) |
On Wednesday I started my internship at the Museum of the Order of Saint John. I’ve only been working there three days and I’ve absolutely fallen in love with the museum. The history surrounding both the Order and the buildings the museum is housed in is incredibly fascinating. The people I get to work with are kind and funny, and the work I’m doing, because it’s such a small museum, has real meaning. I love it so far and can’t wait to see what else the next six weeks bring!
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Hampstead Heath |
Last night was Guy Fawkes Night, a celebration whose history I adore. All the Baylor clan headed out to Battersea Park to watch the lighting of the bonfire and (supposedly) the best fireworks show in London. It was pretty spectacular, I must say. Afterwards a few of the girls headed back to our place, where we ate Chinese food and Belgian waffles while watching ‘V for Vendetta’ (my favorite movie, by the way). It was a food night, but my feet are seriously killing me, especially after spending all day yesterday at a marvelous Christmas fair with Brittany. I got a hot sock shaped like a daschund, a mug with a sweater-cozy that says ‘Hug Me’ and an uber comfortable pajama shirt. Win.
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Getting ready for the masquerade! |
Life is good, friends. It’s a little staggering to think of where I was a year ago and realize where I am today, both geographically and personally. God is good and has seen me through good times and bad to lead me to places more wondrous than I could ever have dreamed for myself. There are still hard moments along the way, but I think they’re more easily dealt with now than they once were. I’ve got six weeks left in London, and I intend on living them to the fullest. This year is almost finished, and it has been quite an amazing one….but I think it’s still got a few tricks up its sleeve.
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