I should be working on a paper right now, in case you’re wondering. I have a ton of work to do this week…multiple papers, presentations and exams. And yet, I’m sitting in a great coffee shop, drinking warm coffee whilst the temperature drops outside, and I am quickly losing the motivation to be productive. And so I am instead catching up on blogging. A completely legitimate enterprise in my opinion. That, and I have to pee and this is a much better distraction than examining the changes experienced by the British monarchy.
This past week was pretty low-key; class, studying, reading, writing…rinse, repeat. There are some new developments, though. I’m writing again! Alright, I know what you’re thinking. “Sarah, I’m sitting here reading a blog you wrote. Isn’t the fact that you’re ‘writing again’ kind of implied?” Well smarty-pants, that isn’t the kind of writing I’m talking about. I’m writing a story again.
I took a creative writing class my freshman year, and I absolutely loved it. It was challenging and rewarding and produced some of the writing I’m most proud of. Since then, though, any creative writing I’ve done has come in fits and spurts, most of them decidedly uninspired. This time is different, though. I’ve already written more in the past week than I have in the past year. It’s a story I love, characters I’m fascinated by, questions I don’t actually know the answers to…it’s the writing experience I’ve always wanted. Even when I don’t have anything in mind, I’ll sit and wait until something comes, or I’ll just start writing until it turns into something somewhat usable.
If you’re thinking this is the part where I tell you what the story is…you’re out of luck. I’ve probably already jinxed myself be talking about how great the writing process is going, I’m not gonna push my luck by giving away the plot. I’ll tell you this much, though: it’s a fantasy story, one I hope will turn into a novel. The story focuses on an unlikely heroine (original, I know). That’s all you’re getting. Honestly, some of the secrecy comes from the fact that even I don’t know all of the plot details yet. I have no idea where the story is gonna go, what the main conflict is going to be, how it will be resolved, what characters will come or go. I have some idea, obviously, but it’s growing so organically that I hate to ruin it with some sort of systematic outline.
The only downside to this wave of inspiration is that, paired with my intense workload for school, I’ve had almost no time for either of my blogs. Luckily not much has happened since I returned from Wales, so it isn’t as if there’s oodles of stories I’ve failed to document. Friday was the first day I really did anything of note.
Brittany, Rosy and I went to dinner and then to see Footloose. I’ve been waiting to see this movie ever since I first saw the trailer at the beginning of summer. AT THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER. It didn’t disappoint. It was set firmly in the present, but it still had some of that nostalgic 80’s-teen-flick charm. The dancing was fantastic (duh) and there were so many great lines I laughed like a little kid through the whole thing. It did make me miss home, though. Seeing the shots of fields full of horses and corn, the honky-tonk dance scene, hearing thick southern accents and phrases no one other than a native southerner would understand…it was both comforting and slightly painful. It was all alright, though, because after the movie ended and everyone had left the theatre the three of us silently agreed that the only logical course of action was to dance around the theatre like maniacs until we were completely out of breath. It was wonderful.
Now it’s Sunday, my last week of classes starts, and in 8 days my mom will be here in London with me. This week will be stressful and I’ll probably find myself suffering from severe lack of sleep, but I’m okay with it. Life is good and God is faithful. It can rain on my parade all it wants, cause I’ve got an umbrella.
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Too much coffee. |
P.S. I apologize if this post seemed manic or didn’t make much sense…I’m hyped up on coffee and I really really really have to pee.
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