Wednesday, July 9

Turning places into Places

            The shop was filled with people and the sounds of coffee being ground and milk being steamed. Sunlight was streaming in through windows, landing on tables surrounded by friends, families, and strangers. It was bustling without being chaotic. No one realized that the girl sitting in the leather armchair in the corner (me) was trying to find a new coffee home.

I left many things and people behind in Waco—places and people that I miss every day. Waco became home during the four years I spent there. Common Grounds—my coffee home in Waco—was my hub for the majority of those years. It’s where I met up with friends, made friends, worked, laughed, felt at home even while feeling homesick. It was my Place. That’s what I’m looking for here in Nashville. I doubt I’ll ever find another Common Grounds—but I hope my doubts are unfounded. I hope I find a place where I meet just as many wonderful people; where they learn my name and what I like to drink; where I can feel at home in a new and—at least for now—strange city. A place to make my Place.

I tried the first coffee shop on my list today. Yes, there is a list. How are you supposed to conduct a thorough evaluation of a city’s coffee offerings without a list? Crema is located in the SoBro (South of Broadway) area of Nashville and, though it’s a bit far away from my apartment, I really loved the atmosphere. The baristas were friendly and the chairs were full, though the shop never felt crowded. It felt cozy and lived-in—the kind of place where life happens. Not just work or meetings or quick get-togethers, but actual complicated, messy, joyful, wondrous life. I was only there for an hour, so I suppose it’s possible I’m mistaken in my first impression, but for the time being I’ll take it as a good sign that I gathered such an impression so quickly.

My cappuccino was delicious and they even offer coffee classes (which I fully intend on taking part in once I’m able to stop pinching my pennies quite so tightly). Their espresso (at least, the one they were featuring today) seemed quite bright and acidic. I tend to prefer bolder, deeper coffee with more body—just a personal preference. That being said, this is a quality shop that produces quality coffee and exceptional drinks. 

 Crema has the potential to be a new coffee home—but like I said, it’s only the first shop on my list. I’ve got a little more exploring to do before I weasel my way onto a shop’s Regulars list. I believe it’s important to have your Place wherever it is you live. Your very own Cheers or Central Perk—the Place where you know them and they know you and you can always go when you need a lift. I happen to think that coffee shops make great Places, but you’ve got to find what works for you. Maybe it’s a book or music store (those still exist, right?). Perhaps it’s a bar (careful) or a café you eat at several times a week. 

Finding and making a place your Place takes time, persistence, and a bit of courage to put yourself out there, but they are so worth it. I can’t imagine my time in Waco without Common Grounds. Now, I’m looking for the Place that will make my season in Nashville just as wonderful...maybe even more so. 

For more information on Crema, check out their website: